Tuesday, October 13, 2015

SIGN OUT - without being there!

We all know the importance of Signing Out (don't we?). This is especially important if you use a computer, laptop or even a tablet that is not yours.

But what happens if "GASP!" you can't remember if you signed out of the computer you were using in Banger, Maine. You're sitting at the airport in Bangladesh waiting for the next flight to Belize - what do you do?

Sign out remotely.

1. Use a computer, laptop, chromebook or tablet that is connected to the Internet and Sign In to Gmail. (note: you can use a smart phone but get a magnifying glass!)
2. From the Inbox, scroll down below the list of messages.
3. Find "Last account activity" and select the DETAILS link (its just below the messages, to the right).
4. Select the "Sign out of all OTHER web sessions" BUT BEFORE YOU DO THAT ...

You will be signed out of all other accounts after selecting the button, (not the one you are using) but you might want to take a look at the Sign In activity. Are the sign ins listed all from locations you were actually located? Does anything seem amiss?

IF you even THINK or have a HINT that there is some mischief afoot, the next step you take should be:

5. Change your password!

Thursday, October 8, 2015


Google Search has a lot of key words and phrases that you can use to get information instantly.

Type one of the words or phrases below within a Google Search box or within the Chrome omnibox. 

Watch the magic unfold!

time dublin
35/7 (note: NO = )
how many teaspoons in a liter
how many millimeters in a km
32 degrees in celcius
1' in cm
$20 in peso

Not impressed yet? Try these:

weather in new york
aspirin  (look at right side of the results page)
movie 95833 (or another zip code)
sacramento county, ca
area code 804
define auditory
timer (then start)

After you've used any of the above searches, try entering your own filter with a key word or phrase 
(filters like your area code, city name, different calculation, or word).

Add your own key words or phrases that you've found useful using comments.