Wednesday, November 30, 2016


So you have a Chromebook at work and use it there.
You like it sooo much! that you decide to get one all your very ownsome!

Sleek and shiny or a dark matte finish appears as you open the box. You plug it in, turn it on, and Sign In! And then the cursor blows up!

GASP! Egads! What the ... ?!

The Chromebook cursor is so big it nearly covers the entire screen!

Before you put the Chromebook back in the box or send it to support to be fixed you have to remember two things:

1. Wither thou goest, so too go your settings.

If you Sign In and change cursor, mouse, view or app setting while you are signed into a Chromebook those settings are remembered on every other Chromebook you use to Sign In. 

2. You are not signing into a Chromebook per se, you are Signing In to Chrome.

Whatever settings you changed or added or modified on the last Sign In to Chrome will appear in the next Sign In - no matter what device you are using. It does not even have to be a Chromebook.

When view settings have changed or you start getting popups where you didn't before, ask yourself, "Where was I last signed in and what did I do to Settings?"

You might just save yourself some postage.

Friday, October 14, 2016


Embedding a file should be an easy thing to do...right?

It is but there is some voodoo you need to do when trying to embed into a blog (like this one!).

First, makes sure the file you want to embed is "embeddable" (a new word I just created!) If you're not sure, ask yourself if you can:

  1. open the file in Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides?
  2. from the File menu, select "Publish to the Web"?
  3. see a tab called "Embed" when you publish to the web?
  4. and finally, SELECT and COPY the embed code?
    The embed code will look something like this:
    <iframe src="LotsOfLettersAndNumbers"></iframe>

If you can do all that, you can embed a file from Google Drive to Blogger!

Do all the steps above (I'm not repeating them) then open your Blog to the post you want the embed to appear OR create a new post.
  1. Type some text on the first few lines (you'll want some space).
  2. Select the HTML button next to COMPOSE from your formatting toolbar.
  3. PASTE the embed code then select the COMPOSE button.
Voila! The document is embedded!
And it probably extends off the blog, right?
YIKES! That's not good!
So what do you do? You're going to have to tweak the code! This is an important part of the voodoo you need to do.

There is a document below that is embedded. At first it extended beyond the blogpost area - it was too wide. The embed code needed a width constraint added:<iframe src="lotsOfLettersAndNumbers" width="800"></iframe>

That width constraint fences a document into a corral that is 800 pixels wide - an old standard web page size. Percentages can be used as well (width ="50%") but that can get messy. You will have to play with the number or percentage to get the file to appear on the blog correctly.

The embed below finally fit at width="600"

A height constraint was also used just to see if it would work - it did.

The embed code for the document below looks like this:
<iframe height="500" src="" width="600"></iframe>

Points to Ponder:

  • If the file extends past the blog border, tighten the fence (width and height contraints).
  • Manual contraints can be used in a Doc to make text "fit." The third line of the embedded file above has a soft carriage return to force the text to fit within the 600 width.
  • The height (aka length) will have a scroll bar if you have set a height shorter than the actual file length.


Friday, September 16, 2016

Handing over the Keys...

Every file or folder you create in Drive is yours - you are the owner, the supreme leader, the keeper of the keys!

There may also come a time when you will want to hand over the keys. A project moves, you move, or you want someone else to take over the folder or file.

How do you do that?

Watch this video...and pass on a key!